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 [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10

[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior Empty
BeitragThema: [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior   [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior EmptySo Mai 23, 2010 11:59 pm

Zitat :
[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior 88509077

In 2008, Super Junior has achieved an unprecedented hit with 'Sorry Sorry" They became the record king and also swept various awards including Golden Disk Awards, becoming dignified overseas including Taiwan and Hong Kong. However, the good comes with the bad. After moments of happiness and glory pass, bad news came. Member Hankyung requested the dissolution of his contract against SM Entertainment

The wound that Kim Heechul has received was especially big. He lived in the same dorm as Hankyung and had a special relationship with him. Their special relationship can be observed with his cyworld minihompy containing full of pictures that they took together. He said, "I was in a big chaos. It was difficult for me to laugh on TV and dance on stage."

Afterwards, he did not go on any of the stage including year end award shows. For 3 months, he lived in seclusion, locking his door. His only friends were two cats. Kim Heechul revealed, "I had some lingering emotions. Since I did not meet any people, depression got worse. I had lived with Hankyung, drinked together and was really close. It was mentally difficult."

During his difficult time, the person who supported him was oddly Eunhyuk who he did not think was close with. There was a distance between them as Heechul who liked entertainment and Eunhyuk who's a devout Christian were complete opposite of each other. However, Heechul came to himself when Eunhyuk said, "hyung's not good at singing or dancing, but we can't survive without you hyung."

Leeteuk and Shindong also told him encouraging words and Donghae came to his house and made dinner for him. He thought, "I've been too attached to one friend when there are many friends who are trying to go the same direction, ."

He emptied his mind. His mind became comfortable after thinking, "when we and Hankyung do well we can meet each other." Heechul was able to talk about difficult problems on variety shows.

"Because he's a friend, I despise him, feel sorry, upset. Even though I have many mixed emotions, I've become better now." Kim Heechul said, "I told Hankyung to come over when he gets married."

Actually, other members were shocked when Hankyung left. It was because the members did not even know about the problem. Leeteuk knew about Hankyung leaving after reading an article. Even though, they were shocked, on the other hand, they felt sorry.

Leeteuk said, "because we were always together, I think we forgot that he was a foreigner. We should have talked a lot but because we were busy we didn't get to communicate often. It must have been difficult for him to have made that decision. I feel sorry."

However, after the rain, the ground gets harder. After experiencing various incidents, actually the members became more close. We were able to feel the members' preciousness. Kim Heechul said, "what I learned after experiencing this is that we have to treat each other well when they are with us. We were able to feel the members' preciousness."

Leeteuk also said, "I think we are working harder to fill the empty spaces of other members. There's always a place for them. They just have to come back. We are going to work harder so that when they feel that they want to come back, they would be able to come back without any burden."


Armer Heechul, er war sicherlich total einsam v__v
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1916
Anmeldedatum : 12.04.10

[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior Empty
BeitragThema: Re: [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior   [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior EmptyMo Mai 24, 2010 12:19 am

Omg... ich heul gleich Q__________Q
So viel Chaos bei SuJu... Q_Q Diese scheiß Verträge... ich will das wieder alles in Ordnung kommt T____T
Gut, dass die Members für Heechul da waren >_<
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remarkable ★

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108
Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10

[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior Empty
BeitragThema: Re: [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior   [100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior EmptyMo Mai 24, 2010 12:22 am

@Sa-Chan: Ich weiß auch nicht...es gibt immer stress und probleme *siehe 2pm* .. *siehe dbsk*..die Leute solten mal schlauer werden.

Die Member sollten mehr miteinander reden und sich aussprechen v_v ich finds auch gut das die anderen sich um ihn gejkümmert haben und ich freue mich umso mehr ihn wieder happy zu sehen!
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[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior Empty
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[100523][news]Heechul was in depression after Hankyung left Super Junior
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