POP DVD concert is gonna be delivered to me sooooon by @ritaasean! I'm sooo excited to see พี่นภand the band live! Thank you cub P'Ta!
IT'S OUT! I'LL BE BACK!! https://www.youtube.com/2pm
Thank you! @utadahikaru is followed! =]. And more importantly #illbeback! We'll show you the power of 2pm on stage! 2PM ♥ Hottest!
T.S. : First Love - Utada Hikaru!! First heard this song when I was in 7th grade and fell in love with her voice! =] greaaaaaaat song!
TS.!!!!D.Angelo - brown sugar ^^kkk
이번 앨범도 나왔으니 택욘이도 노래추천좀해볼까용?? Taec's Today's Song: Justin Bieber-Somebody to Love!
Now that our new album's out how about Taecyonie recommending a song too?? Taec's Today's Song: Justin Bieber-Somebody to Love!
Translation: 2pmalways