Anzahl der Beiträge : 1892 Anmeldedatum : 11.02.10
Thema: [100921] V.I Special on Junon Magazine Japan Di Sep 21, 2010 11:02 pm
S: omonatheydidn't@lj
Zitat :
During the first part they were talking about how Seungri got to know Narimiya. It was through Narimiya's movie, Drop.Seungri watched the movie and wanted to meet Narimiya. Narimiya seems impress with Seungri's Japanese.
Then they talked about the difference between Japanese and Korean girls. Narimiya said that Korean fans are powerful and Seungri said that Japanese fans are polite. Also,they talked about favorite foods,dating tips etc. Seems like Seungri wants to date Japanese girl for real?
Last part, Narimiya gives some tips how to look cool on the stage. He also suggests Seungri to take a role as a foreign student who came from Korea. Seungri also mentioned that he's so confident with right side of his face.
credit: YUKI7
lol Okay, Seungri. Alles wird gut. Ich finde seine rechte Gesichtshälfte sieht genauso aus, wie seine linke... xD