[100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom
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Monceri remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108 Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10
Thema: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom Sa Mai 22, 2010 11:57 am
Zitat :
Source:Omonatheydidn't@lj There is a strange atmosphere among 2PM fans.
On the 22nd at 7PM at Seoul Sangam World Cup Stadium, the 'I Love You Korea 2010 Dream Concert' opened. On this day, 2PM performed their title song 'Without U' and 'Don't Stop Can't Stop.' Unlike other artists, when they took the stage, shouts of 2PM mixed with shouts of former 2PM member Park Jaebeom.
Last year, before Park Jaebeom had been permanently expelled from 2PM [T/N: But after the Myspace controversy was revealed, as the 2009 Dream Concert took place in September], a 6-membered 2PM had taken the stage at the Dream Concert. Then, too, cheers for Park Jaebeom had engulfed the stadium, but the appearance was that of fans cheering together for 2PM and Park Jaebeom. However, this time, when the 2PM members took the stage shouts of Park Jaebeom's name burst out from all corners of the stadium, covering cheers for 2PM. The anomaly of two different shouts mixing for one singer's stage arose. In actuality, those shouting support for 2PM were not so much 2PM fans as much as fans of other artists cheering them on.
One fan said, "It's not that I don't understand the thoughts of fans who are waiting for Park Jaebeom, but this went too far," she said.
However, 2PM finished their stage in spite of this, and Ok Taecyeon was especially a great success as an MC.
Also, ich kann die Fans total verstehen aber es ist schon was unhöflich, wenn sich 2PM da total viel Mühe geben und die Fans dann nach Jay rufen. :( Leider, weiß ich nicht wem ich die Schuld geben soll aber ich denke die größte Schuld liegt bei der Agentur und auch das 2PM nicht 100& zu Jay gestanden haben. Leider muss man auch sagen, dass sie Zeit weitergeht und obwohl ich mir wünschen würde, dass alles sei nicht passiert, kann ich es mir doch nicht wegdenken v___v Es macht einen echt fertig. Ich hoffe das alle 7 Jungs ihren Weg finden werden und es zu keinem Hass kommt. Mich kotzt das auch total an, dass man NICHT genau weiß WAS PASSIERT IST.. was das Problem war und etc. ...*nerv*
Ich will hier auch nicht alles schön reden und auch keinen angreifen, also passt bitte auf was ihr genau hier sagt, damit kein Streit entsteht..das brauchen wir nun wirklich nicht T__T
Love & Respect ..Fighting!
EDIT: Einer der Leute bei Lifejournal hat folgenden Kommentar dazu abgegeben.
Zitat :
[info]miyakenko on May 22nd, 2010 11:20 pm (UTC) Just for a clarification, this newspaper article is really wrong. The fans weren't divided but the '10 min' was actually led by other fanclubs (mostly elfs, cassiopea I heard). in korea, there are fan seats for each fan clubs but 2PM fan seats were taken by many other fanclubs and my friedns actually attended the concert but before 2PM appeared the surrounding Elfs told them to turn off the fan sticks and stop cheearing. So it wasn't the 2PM fans but mostly the other fanclubs calling out Jay's name. I heard that many 2PM fans sent e-mails to this kind of articles asking the reporters to correct the articles.
Samantha remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1916 Anmeldedatum : 12.04.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 12:30 am
Also... ich persönlich hab ja eher mich angefangen mit 2PM zu beschäftigen, als das mit Jay schon ziemlich am Ende war, deswegen hats mich auch nicht so mitgenommen.
Ich finde es, egal welche Fanclubs es nun war, schon rührend wenn alle noch so sehr an Jay hängen und das ganze Stadium seinen Namen ruft.
Klar würde ich mir wünschen das Jay zurück kommt, aber ich denke man muss es auch mal akzeptieren. Er ist jetzt weg. Es ist passiert. 2PM macht weiter [wenn auch finde ich mit einem Imagewechsel].
Ich glaube als Fan unterstützt man nicht nur einen, sondern alle.
Und ich finde, es ist an der Zeit das Südkorea sich beruhigt und es akzeptiert. Es kann nicht sein, das überall immer wieder dieses Thema durchdringt.
2PM machen nun ihr eigenes Ding und Jay macht seins. Das sollte man als Fan oder "ehemaliger Fan" akzeptieren.
Inu-lain remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1090 Anmeldedatum : 20.04.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 2:47 am
Oh wai. x_X -tut im Herzen weh- T__T Omo, arme 2PM Mitgliedet~~ Irgendwie, tut es mir echt leid, was dort vorgefallen ist, ehrlich! Die Jungs versuchen ihr bestes zu tun - und hatten auch oft schon gesagt, wie sehr ihnen was an Jay liegt[lag?] x_x Und dass die dann so... naja 'behandelt' werden. Find das ehrlich gesagt nicht in Ordnung, egal welcher Fanclub da war. Man haette es nicht machen sollen, denn die geben sich echt Muehe. Will nicht wissen, was die in dem Moment gefuehlt haben uû Muss depremierend sein, wenn man Jay-Rufe hoert, als ob man nicht akzepiert wird, wie man ist X_X
Naja, ich persönlich finde Jay klasse - ehrlich! :) Nur als ich mich mit 2PM angefangen habe zu beschäftigen - war er schon weg. Dementsprechend habe ich den nur bei Idol Army gesehen... und fand den ja auch toll - aber man sollte ehrlich gesagt, dass Thema endlich begraben ^^'
Jay fängt ja jez auch wieder an, Musik '& Schauspielerei zu machen - und 2PM machen weiterhin ihre Musik. Diese Fans haetten nicht so sein sollen, eindeutig nicht x_x' Die haetten lieber fuer ihre Lieblingssänger/Bands/whatever rufen sollen, anstatt solch eine Aktion zu veranstalten..
Kairi remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 549 Anmeldedatum : 19.02.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 5:12 am
ich will mich nicht wieder über dieses kack thema aufregen x.x die gehen mir einfach am arsch !!! <_< boah ey ich stimm alles was samantha & Inu geschrieben haben zu.
2PM tut mir richtig leid.. (sie sollen zu mir kommen ;.; ich tröste sie ! xD)
aba ich denk mir.. können die 'ehemaligen fans' 2PM nicht einfach ignorieren ??? und nicht fertig machen? is wahrscheinlich einfach zu viel verlangt o.O
Monceri remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108 Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 7:21 am
@Kairi: Sie werden nicht wirklich fertig gemacht. Nur weil sie Jays Namen rufen heißt das nicht das sie gegen 2PM sind.
Es sollte einfach nicht vergessen werden das beide Seiten eine schwere Zeit durchgemacht haben und ich finde es das das Thema langsam geschlossen werden sollte. Es bringt niemanden was aber mich macht es trotzdem traurig.
Was ich ganz besonders schade finde, ist das wir als Fans und ich denke das wir von großer Bedeutung sind, einfach nur vollkommen hintergangen wurden. Keiner kann wirklich sagen was passiert ist, was der Grund ist .. ohne uns Fans würden die Agenturen doch nicht überleben. Ich komm mir einfach nur für dumm verkauft vor.
Monceri remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108 Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 8:55 am
Zitat :
Source:Listen to our heartbeat @lj [fan accounts] Fans about Dream Concert
I think these fan accounts can help confused and angry fans understand what happened during Dream Concert! I hope that some fans will grow up soon! Any artist doesn't want to have that kind of fandom!
"They were screaming Park Jaebum to death, huh? keke
Hmm.. Santa was pissed off and Tutu was crying (TN: Nicknames of other Hottests with her) but I thought it was a bit funny kekeke.
A silent treatment would've been better. The screams for 2PM and Park Jaebum were so loud.
My Jaebum... He was hated on so much and left for America. Don't they dare shout his name with such dirty lips.
I know that those bitches are the same bitches.
Such young kids already learning mob mentality. Such a childish and immature act.
My heart hurts so much. I'm afraid of the future.
Don't you dare think that your oppas will be okay when you hate on other oppas like this. Can't you already tell by the way our oppas are getting all of the advertisement deals?
2PM, I love all of them. Find strength, my children.
I was sitting on the other side of 2PM's fan section. I was on the ground level at first but it started raining and it got so cold I asked a security guard to go up. I sat on the 2nd floor to the left.
I could hear all of the fans and other fandoms. Despite the other fandom shouts being closer to me, I could hear 2PM's. 2PM and Park Jaebum were about the same. Our fans probably shouted crazily, as loud as they could.
Seriously, good job guys.
And we had a lot more fans than I thought.
Probably as much as X fandom, who turned off all of their light sticks during 2PM's performance. (Thinking about it now, them turning it off only matched their block to the color of our balloons? Thank you keke)
They say that our fandom is dead? That we're zombies?
We're all alive and well.
"Don't like Hottests? Then f*** off.
The power of Cartel was honestly amazing. Everywhere was enveloped in pearl sapphire blue. I had good seats. I had a clear view of the screen and I was near Ok Taecyeon's mcing spot. The first part of the concert went by fast and finally, in the 2nd part, our 2PM's turn came up.
But wasn't E-N blocks reserved for Hottests? Didn't seem like it.
I saw people holding Big Bang light sticks, red light sticks. Even someone sitting near me said something along the lines of, "I'm actually a WG fan but I'm sitting here because it's easier to see."
Excuse me? Hottests blocks are for Hottests only. And if you're another fandom sitting our block, you better show support for 2PM. And if you can't even do that, why would you even f****** bother swearing about them?
Yeah, Dream Concert = Dirty Concert.
I heard all sorts of nasty S*** about my kids through my ears. What kind of f****** concert was this?
The minute 2PM came out, all of the Hottests stood up. I shouted until I thought my throat was about to rip out. I was so hyper, my chant was even off beat.
And during 'DSCS,' all of the HOttests screamed "2PM! 2PM! 2PM! 2PM!"
Our Daegu king may not have been there but 2PM was the best.
And why are other fandoms talking so much S*** about us?
Is it such a crime that I like 2PM? I never asked you to like 2PM, I'm supporting them on my own free will.
I was holding a pearl black balloon and a group of girls walked by and laughed at me, saying, "There's still Hotties around?"
That's not all though.
Even the girls sitting behind me, they kept muttering "Retard" everytime Taecyeon was up to MC.
f***, man.
And the admin passed out our light sticks and balloons. The people with white papers on their chairs were given an extra purple light stick for a special event, spelling out '2PM' with the light sticks.
The purple light stick was given with specific instructions. "Please only turn it on when 2PM is up."
But I don't think anyone read it. People turned it on as soon as they were passed out.
Then, they passed out another white light stick with a black bag with another light stick attached to it. We weren't supposed to open it but the people sitting in the Hottests block opened it as soon as they were passed out.
A boy next to me was ripping it so I told him, "You're not... supposed to open it yet..."
Seriously, today was the day that tested the patience of Hottests. What kind of concert is this?
What's so wrong with a Hottie being in Hottests block? Should we just sit there and do nothing when other fandoms are sitting in our block, talking S*** about 2PM?
They were talking so much S*** but really, I just held it in.
I'm such an angel.
We're going to rise and help 2PM regain their energy at Inkigayo. Dream Concert is a dirty concert anyway, so forget it."
"Hello? I'm a B2uty ^^ I came here to clarify a bit of what happened. I, of course, sat in the Beast block as a Beast fan. It seems as if most of the accounts start off with the actual fan chant so I'll reveal a bit of what happened leading up to it.
First of all, it was passed from person to person, side to side, to chant Park Jaebum. Our block first heard that the ten minute was going to be on SNSD so we were a bit confused.
However, a "A" fanclub male fan beat a "B" fanclub fan on the head shortly after and she was rushed with an ambulance to the ER. Everyone gave SNSD the silent treatment and after hearing about what happened and chanted really loudly at the part SNSD sang, "Don't live like that."
"A" fandom then eventually started getting up to leave in the middle of Super Junior's performance. A lot of the fan blocks started yelling at the "A", calling them rude and disrespectful.
So basically, we were delivered news (from person to person) that "B" were beat up by "A"s, "C" and "D" also had reported injuries.
I understand that the "B" did something bad but why injure the other fandoms?
Anyways, in the midst of all of that, somebody started chanting 'Park Jaebum, Park Jaebum.' And then, without even thinking twice, everyone else started to soon follow.
Please, do not misunderstand this. There were no Bumtists there, and no Bumtists started it.
I screamed Park Jaebum as loud as I could. I really hope that people don't understand.
Also, I stayed in my seat until the end of the concert. "A" tried to give the excuse that they were leaving in order to catch the last train but it was still really dispresectful and to leave when SUJU was performing.
Either way, I shouted for everyone and shaked my light sticks. How bad the artists must have felt today when everyone was leaving midway through the concert. "A" especially, they just left as soon as SNSD was finished performing."
Tofu remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1892 Anmeldedatum : 11.02.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 12:08 pm
Ich find einfach nur, dass Jays Name bei Performances nicht gerufen werden sollte, ganz egal von wem. Basta.
Monceri remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1108 Anmeldedatum : 18.01.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 11:18 pm
Zitat :
Source:Omonatheydidn't@LJ Jay Park doesn’t want you to chant his name? AKA RESPECT 2PM GDI.
2PM’s former leader Jay Park definitely has many loyal fans but via his YouTube channel, he told fans not to chant his name at inappropriate times.
Jay posted a bulletin shout on his YouTube channel saying, “When others are performing on stage, please don’t cheer my name and only do it when I’m performing~ Please wait just a little longer~”
What exactly was this referring to? The 2010 Dream Concert that was held in Korea on the 22nd and the six boys of 2PM. Apparently when the group came out on stage and performed, the fans chanted, “Park Jaebeom! Park Jaebeom!”
Obviously Jay was not performing with the group but Korean fans were just expressing their love for their beloved former leader. Either way, Jay hopes that fans will understand that there’s a right and a wrong time for certain things.
Ich finds gut das er das gesagt hat. :) es wird scho besser~ *waiting for jay*
Samantha remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1916 Anmeldedatum : 12.04.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom So Mai 23, 2010 11:20 pm
Ah, das ist echt gut so <33 Ich hoffe die Fans verstehen das >_<
Inu-lain remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1090 Anmeldedatum : 20.04.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom Mo Mai 24, 2010 12:11 am
Och, Jay :) Der ist so toll ^^ Find das klasse, als er auch 2PM supported hat, als das neue Album kam :p Und jez das auc noch :) Ich glaube ja, dass die sich untereinander noch gut verstehen - zumindestens hoffe ich das innig!
Kairi remarkable ★
Anzahl der Beiträge : 549 Anmeldedatum : 19.02.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom Mo Mai 24, 2010 1:16 am
Jay macht es richtig ;.; <3 jay is so toll ! :D & 2PM auch :3
ich hoffe das die fans auf Jay hören ! ;.;
LeeDonew remarkab
Anzahl der Beiträge : 308 Anmeldedatum : 29.08.10
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom Di Aug 31, 2010 6:15 am
Oh man jetzt mischen sich sogar andere Fanclubs ein... wann werden sie endlich daraus schlau? Ich meine dass was die Hottest durchgemacht haben widerfährt nicht jedem Fanclub. Ich finde es irgendwie sehr frech dass sie sich einmischen..denn sie haben den Schmerz der Hottest und der Member nicht verspürt. Das hätte echt nicht sein müssen... Aus solchen Situationen sollte man eigentlich lernen und nicht weiterhin in der Wunde rumbohren =(
Gast Gast
Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom Mi Sep 01, 2010 5:25 am
das ganze um 2pm und jay sollte sich endlich legen. 2pm sind 2pm und jay ist jay. jay hat mit seinem post recht
Zitat :
“When others are performing on stage, please don’t cheer my name and only do it when I’m performing~ Please wait just a little longer~”
2pm haben sich mühe gegeben und ja, man kann es den fans nicht übel nehmen. vll meinten diese es nicht böse... viele vermissen jay und ja... viel glück 2pm wie auch immer...ich warte auf jay... i'm a jaywalker... jay fighting!
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Thema: Re: [100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom
[100522][News]2PM fans divided, 2PM vs. Park Jaebeom